Confidential Statementof Judgment Debtor's Social Security Number (WG-035) Form.
You must provide the Sheriff Civil Division the details of how to enforce your judgment.
The California Judicial Council forms used to have the Sheriff garnish the debtor’s wages are:
Judicial Council Forms are forms adopted by the state for statewide use. Most filings involve the use of Judicial Council Forms.
Judicial Council forms are available from the Judicial Branch of California website.
My name is Lance Casey and I am a California Private Investigator. I am a Judgment Collection Specialists. I complete California Judicial Council forms daily when collecting judgments.
The County Sheriff Department Civil Division will handle your wage garnishment after you file the correct wage garnishment paperwork with their office. Providing the Sheriff with the judgment debtor’s social security number on the Confidential Statement of Judgment Debtor’s Social Security Number (WG-035) is necessary to make sure the correct person’s wages are garnished.
How To Get The Judgment Debtor's Social Security Number?